
Middleburg Student Portal

Class Schedule
Pro Shop

Word of the Month Worksheets

Goals (3–6 yrs)

Online Written Exam

FIRST TIME USING CANVAS? Navigate to Canvas, click “I am a student” and use the code TF6GM3. Please register with the student name (not the parent) and SAVE FOR NEXT TIME. Once you’ve joined, navigate to Quizzes and find the correct quiz for the rank you are TESTING FOR.

ALREADY HAVE A CANVAS ACCOUNT? Navigate to Canvas, log in, and use the code TF6GM3. Once you’ve joined, navigate to Quizzes and find the correct quiz for the rank you are TESTING FOR.

Take the Exam (Use Code TF6GM3)

Upcoming Events

Character Building Sheet #1
Building Good Character #2
Building Good Character #3
Building Good Character #4
Building Good Character #5
Worksheet #6 - Weekly To-Do List
Worksheet #7 - Teen/Adult Community Involvement
Worksheet #8 - 5 Codes
Worksheet #9 - 7 Tenants
Worksheet #10 - Reading Chart
Worksheet #11 - At Home
Worksheet #12 - Healthy Eating
Worksheet #13 - Practice at Home
Worksheet #14 - Self-Discipline & Self-Control
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