Honoring a Legend in the Martial Arts: Grandmaster Ron French

On July 4th, 2024, the martial arts lost Grandmaster Ron French, a black belt leader whose influence impacted generations.

Grandmaster French earned his 1st degree black belt on November 4, 1995, from Mile High Karate in Denver, Colorado. He served as a certified NASKA (North American Sport Karate Association) judge, Prep Cycle Coordinator and CDT Master Instructor, and also trained with David Cox in the arts of jujitsu, knife defense and stick fighting. He continued to teach, train and inspire throughout his life, ultimately earning the rank of 9th degree black belt.

Complementing his passion for martial arts, Grandmaster French’s 50-year career in law enforcement included work as a police officer in Chicago, as well as service with the Jefferson County Sheriff’s Department, as Shift Commander CO III at the Colorado Department of Corrections, and on the board of Westwood College’s Criminal Justice Program.

An ever-present figure in the schools and at tests and tournaments, Grandmaster French is remembered for his passion in the karate community. “A kind soul.” “A great man and mentor.” “A super role model for so many.” These are just a few of the quotes from students following his passing.

“Master French was a master at combining toughness with compassion and reaching into a student’s heart to encourage and bring out the best in them,” said Roger Dean. “He was a phenomenal man. He really helped me build my confidence in my few interactions with him. His passion and love for the people around him will be missed,” said Peyton Tjeerdsma.

Ripple Effect Martial Arts has been honored to have Grandmaster French as a guiding presence in our schools, at tournaments and at black belt testing weekends. His invaluable wisdom and support have inspired hundreds of black belts young and old, including our own Master Greg Macy, whose 6th degree black belt was tied on by Grandmaster French in November 2023. His legacy continues to inspire. Thank you Grandmaster French. You’ll never be forgotten.

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