21 Laws of Leadership #21 (2020)
Homework Someday people will summarize your life in a single sentence. It is up to you to pick it now. Take a moment and write…
Homework Someday people will summarize your life in a single sentence. It is up to you to pick it now. Take a moment and write…
Homework Questions to think about: How do you feel about being succeeded? In what stage of the leadership process do you currently find yourself: Stage…
Homework Questions to think about: What happens if you have the right idea, but you implement it at the wrong time? Have you ever experienced…
Homework Take Action! To build momentum you have to start with small goals and then build into larger ones. Thinking about something big that you…
Homework Take Action! Think about some problem, project, or goal that you have a vision for and write down the following: Vision: ________________ Person who…
Homework Take some time to write down the following: As a Leader in the Karate School, what are things that I can do to empower…
Homework Take some time to write down the following: Write down the qualities you desire in your followers. Think about why you desire the qualities…
Homework What is the quickest way for someone to lose your trust? The author mentioned the three trust-building factors—competence, connection, character— Which of our creeds…
Homework What does it mean to “add value” to someone? Describe how someone has added value to you. Do at least one thing to add…
Homework On a scale from 1 to 10, take a moment and rate yourself in each of the following: Character—who you are Relationships—who you know…