
Thanks For Signing Up!

Why wait to schedule your first class? Call or leave a message right now with the code “blackbelt” and receive a FREE uniform!

We’ll reach out to you shortly

Your first lessons will be one-on-one. The brief steps below will help you get to know us a little bit and guide you through the process of scheduling your first lessons. You’ll be earning your white belt before you know it!

Step One — Watch This Intro Video

I'm done!

Step Two — Schedule Your First Intro Class

Don’t worry, we’ll contact you shortly!

At your scheduled appointment, a Black Belt instructor will lead you through an introductory lesson to get you familiar with our school. You’ll also start learning basic techniques. Just  arrive 15 minutes early, wear something light and comfortable, and get ready for some high-energy fun!

Can’t wait? Call us at (844) 321-KICK to set a time for the lesson!

BONUS: We always encourage parents to join the lessons with their kids. It’s a huge confidence boost (and a great way for you all to experience the fun).

(844) 321-KICK

Why wait to schedule your first class? Call or leave a message right now with the code “blackbelt” and receive a FREE uniform!

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